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Engagement Letters: Auto-Enrolment Terms

Auto-Enrolment: Your Responsibilities

(1) You will provide us with complete and accurate information relating to your employees.

You agree to provide us with complete and accurate information regarding your employees and pension contributions due from them. You will also provide us with details of your employer contributions. You will provide us with this information before you first pay a new employee. If an employee changes their status regarding auto-enrolment you will inform us immediately.

You will provide us with details of any changes in employee working so that we can determine whether the employment status has changed in relation to auto-enrolment.

You will inform us of all new staff; it will be your responsibility to provide them with the required auto-enrolment information.

(2) You will carry out your statutory responsibilities in relation to auto-enrolment.

You will register for auto enrolment with ‘the Pensions Regulator’ (tPR).

(3) You will identify and appoint an appropriate pension provider.

You will be responsible for making all payments required under auto-enrolment to your appropriate pension provider.

You will be responsible for paying all contributions by the relevant deadlines dates.

(4) You will fully assist us to ensure that you comply with the relevant rules and regulations.

You will review the assessment of the workforce and accept responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the assessment.

You will be responsible for making all the necessary communications with the workforce in accordance with the requirements and timescales of auto enrolment both at set up and on an on-going basis.

You will be responsible for ensuring that each employee has given permission for data to be shared for the purpose of auto enrolment in accordance with the requirements of relevant data protection legislation and regulation including the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any related regulations.

You will perform spot-checks on the information that we hold in order to monitor its accuracy.

Auto-Enrolment: Our Responsibilities

(1) We will deduct from each payroll period the pension contributions as instructed by you.

We will deduct from each payroll period the pension contributions as instructed by you. We will accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that arise as a result of incorrect data supplied to us.

(2) We will prepare and submit electronic reports to your pension provider, for example – National Employment Savings Trust (NEST), from the payroll information prepared.

We will prepare and submit electronic reports to your pension provider, for example – National Employment Savings Trust (NEST), from the payroll information prepared. We will accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that arise as a result of incorrect data supplied to us.

(3) We will assist you in identifying categories of worker; eligible jobholders, non-eligible jobholders and entitled workers.

We will assist you in identifying categories of worker; eligible jobholders, non-eligible jobholders and entitled workers. We will assist you in monitoring the status of these employees to determine whether ‘non-eligible’ or ‘entitled workers’ become ‘eligible workers’ and thus require auto enrolment, This review will take place at the start of each payroll period. We will also ensure that new staff are incorporated into the scheme in accordance with your instructions. We will not be responsible for any errors that occur where we have not been supplied with updated information.

(4) We will process any opt-in and opt-out requests.

We will process any opt-out and opt-in requests and ensure that repayments are made to employees in accordance with your instructions. We will accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that arise as a result of incorrect data supplied to us

(5) We will maintain information and records to assist you with your employer compliance.

We will maintain information and records that will highlight when the triennial enrolment processes must occur. We will inform you in advance of this date so that you can make the necessary communications with the staff member and so that the firm can re-enrol as required.

We will record, maintain and preserve the records required for auto-enrolment based on the information you supply to us.

These ‘Engagement Letters: Auto Enrolment Terms’ were updated in October 2019.

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Your advice and support has been invaluable throughout this crisis period. I really appreciate it.

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Encore Machinery Limited

I have worked with Richard for about 8 years and I couldn’t be happier with the level of service and commitment to the success of our business shown by him and his team. Richard is forward thinking and their desire to ‘go beyond’ and combine the accounting work with an appetite to assist in the success of our business is extremely valuable. I look forward to what the next chapter brings.

Gary Duffy
Enfonic (UK) Limited and Enfonic Limited

The team has been great at helping us get to grips with our income, expenditure and future expectations. This has supported us make decisions about the strategic direction of the business. I would highly recommend ‘Accounting & beyond’.

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Okasan Marketing

We met with Richard early on in our start-up journey and it’s been great working with him and the team.  They are really keen to know what we’re doing and where we’re going and that’s not just about the numbers. We’ve been working with them to define what’s the best way forward and how we can maximise our sales and grow. Looking forward to seeing what the next few months bring!

Sharon Haylock
The Grandparent Hub Ltd