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Limited Company

Compliance Is About Doing It Properly

See Below For What It Means For You To
Meet Your Accounting and Taxation Obligations


Bookkeeping is the foundations of your financial systems to ensure that you comply lawfully with the Companies Act.

You must understand what money is coming in, what you are spending, who owes you money and who you owe money to.

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A limited company is legally required to file statutory accounts with Companies House before a strict deadline.

Statutory accounts must contain various disclosures of information to comply with relevant laws and regulations. They also form the accounting basis for the calculation of your corporation tax.


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Corporation Tax

Corporation tax is a tax that all UK limited companies must pay on their trading profits, investment income and profits from selling certain assets.

Corporation tax needs to be calculated carefully, at appropriate rates, to ensure compliance with the relevant tax legislation.

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Payroll and HR

The payment of staff requires compliance with many HMRC,  Pensions and Employment regulations and legislation which updates frequently.

Strict penalties are often applied for non compliance and so it is vital that your systems are up to date and operated by knowledgeable staff.

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VAT is an indirect tax which is applied to certain transactions related to goods, services or other taxable supplies.

VAT registration is compulsory above certain registration limits which means businesses affected must complete regular VAT returns and pay HMRC any VAT liability.


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Company Secretarial

Company Secretarial responsibilities ensure that your business’s legal obligations under Company Law are carried out. 

These duties include calling and recording minutes, maintaining the statutory books, ensuring proper payments of dividends and interest, completing filings at Companies House and other related matters.

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Subcontractors and CIS

The Construction Industry Scheme is a requirement where contractors must deduct taxes from a subcontractor’s payment, pay it over to HMRC and make regular returns on time.

Strict penalties are often applied for non compliance or late submissions and so it is vital that your systems are up to date and operated by knowledgeable staff.

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Taking Money Out

There are many company laws and HMRC legislation governing how the owners can take money out of a limited company.

Typically there are four main ways this can be done and failure to observe the rules associated with each can often lead to penalties and unplanned taxation.

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Software Selection

Software selection isn’t itself a compliance requirement but choosing the most suitable accounting and related software will save you time and stress.

Software is vital in automating parts of your compliance with the latest rules and regulations. Many software choices have inbuilt intelligence to assist you with your responsibilities and avoid the many pitfalls.

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Your Compliance All Sorted - Your Own Finance Department

Our Outsourced Finance Department offering organises and streamlines your financial management and compliance so that it runs smoothly and efficiently. We help your business to thrive without the stress, worry and hassle of whether your accounting and tax compliance requirements have been met.

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What Our Clients Say

Your advice and support has been invaluable throughout this crisis period. I really appreciate it.

Paul Davidson
Encore Machinery Limited

I have worked with Richard for about 8 years and I couldn’t be happier with the level of service and commitment to the success of our business shown by him and his team. Richard is forward thinking and their desire to ‘go beyond’ and combine the accounting work with an appetite to assist in the success of our business is extremely valuable. I look forward to what the next chapter brings.

Gary Duffy
Enfonic (UK) Limited and Enfonic Limited

The team has been great at helping us get to grips with our income, expenditure and future expectations. This has supported us make decisions about the strategic direction of the business. I would highly recommend ‘Accounting & beyond’.

Suellen Morris
Okasan Marketing

We met with Richard early on in our start-up journey and it’s been great working with him and the team.  They are really keen to know what we’re doing and where we’re going and that’s not just about the numbers. We’ve been working with them to define what’s the best way forward and how we can maximise our sales and grow. Looking forward to seeing what the next few months bring!

Sharon Haylock
The Grandparent Hub Ltd